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A Thermocouple is a sensor used to measure temperature. Thermocouples consist of two wire legs made from different metals. The wires legs are welded together at one end, creating a junction. This junction is where the temperature is measured. When the junction experiences a change in temperature, a voltage is created. The voltage can then be interpreted using thermocouple reference tables to calculate the temperature.
There are many types of thermocouples, each with its own unique characteristics in terms of temperature range, durability, vibration resistance, chemical resistance, and application compatibility. Type J, K, T, & E are “Base Metal” thermocouples, the most common types of thermocouples.Type R, S, and B thermocouples are “Noble Metal” thermocouples, which are used in high temperature applications (see thermocouple temperature ranges for details).

Thermocouples are typically selected because of their low cost, high temperature limits, wide temperature ranges, and durable nature.
Types of Thermocouples:
Temperature Range:
Accuracy (whichever is greater):
- Standard: +/- 2.2C or +/- .75%
- Special Limits of Error: +/- 1.1C or 0.4%

Temperature Range:
Accuracy (whichever is greater):
- Standard: +/- 2.2C or +/- .75%
- Special Limits of Error: +/- 1.1C or 0.4%

Temperature Range:
Accuracy (whichever is greater):
- Standard: +/- 1.0C or +/- .75%
- Special Limits of Error: +/- 0.5C or 0.4%

Temperature Range:
Accuracy (whichever is greater):
- Standard: +/- 1.7C or +/- 0.5%
- Special Limits of Error: +/- 1.0C or 0.4%

Temperature Range:
Accuracy (whichever is greater):
- Standard: +/- 2.2C or +/- .75%
- Special Limits of Error: +/- 1.1C or 0.4%
Noble Metal Thermocouples are selected for their ability to withstand extremely high temperatures while maintaining their accuracy and lifespan. They are considerably more expensive than Base Metal Thermocouples.

Temperature Range:
Accuracy (whichever is greater):
- Standard: +/- 1.5C or +/- .25%
- Special Limits of Error: +/- 0.6C or 0.1%

Temperature Range:
Accuracy (whichever is greater):
- Standard: +/- 1.5C or +/- .25%
- Special Limits of Error: +/- 0.6C or 0.1%

Temperature Range:
Accuracy (whichever is greater):
- Standard: +/- 0.5%
- Special Limits of Error: +/- 0.25%
Thermocouple Junctions:
Grounded Thermocouples: This is the most common junction style. A thermocouple is grounded when both thermocouple wires and the sheath are all welded together to form one junction at the probe tip. Grounded thermocouples have a very good response time because the thermocouple is making direct contact with the sheath, allowing heat to transfer easily. A drawback of the grounded thermocouple is that the thermocouple is more susceptible to electrical interference. This is because the sheath often comes into contact with the surrounding area, providing a path for interference.
Ungrounded Thermocouples (Or Ungrounded Common Thermocouples): A thermocouple is ungrounded when the thermocouple wires are welded together but they are insulated from the sheath. The wires are often separated by mineral insulation.
Exposed Thermocouples (or “bare wire thermocouples”): A thermocouple is exposed when the thermocouple wires are welded together and directly inserted into the process. The response time is very quick, but exposed thermocouple wires are more prone to corrosion and degradation. Unless your application requires exposed junctions, this style is not recommended.
Ungrounded Uncommon: An ungrounded uncommon thermocouple consists of a dual thermocouple that is insulated from the sheath and each of the elements are insulated from one other.
Thermocouple Sheath Comparison:
304SS: This sheath is not as corrosion resistant as 316SS. The cost difference between 316SS and 304SS is nominal.
Inconel (registered trademark) 600: This material is recommended for highly corrosive environments.
What are Special Limits of Errors (SLE)?
Standard Limits of Error: These thermocouples use standard “thermocouple grade” wire. They are less expensive and more common.
What is M.I. Cable?
What is System Error?
Thermocouple vs. RTD
Temperature range:
First, consider the difference in temperature ranges. Noble Metal Thermocouples can reach 3,100 F, while standard RTDs have a limit of 600 F and extended range RTDs have a limit of 1,100 F.

A plain stem thermocouple is 2 to 3 times less expensive than a plain stem RTD. A thermocouple head assembly is roughly 50% less expensive than an equivalent RTD head assembly.

Accuracy, Linearity, & Stability:
As a general rule, RTDs are more accurate than thermocouples. This is especially true at lower temperature ranges. RTDs are also more stable and have better linearity than thermocouples. If accuracy, linearity, and stability are your primary concerns and your application is within an RTD’s temperature limits, go with the RTD.

In the sensors industry, RTDs are widely regarded as a less durable sensor when compared to thermocouples. However, REOTEMP has developed manufacturing techniques that have greatly improved the durability of our RTD sensors. These techniques make REOTEMP’s RTDs nearly equivalent to thermocouples in terms of durability.

Response Time:
RTDs cannot be grounded. For this reason, they have a slower response time than grounded thermocouples. Also, thermocouples can be placed inside a smaller diameter sheath than RTDs. A smaller sheath diameter will increase response time. For example, a grounded thermocouple inside a 1/16” dia. sheath will have a faster response time than a RTD inside a ¼” dia. sheath.